Specimen Instructions

Every specimen should be clearly labeled with the patient’s name and the date of collection. if frozen serum or plasma is required, always pour specimen into a plastic transfer tube and freeze the serum or plasma. Do not freeze specimen in glass tubes.

Use and Handling

Serum or clotted whole blood. SERUM SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM CELLS WITHIN ONE HOUR OF VENIPUNCTURE. Certain determinations may be invalidated by prolonged contact with cells, particularly glucose, enzymes and electrolytes.

Serum or clotted whole blood. After collection allow tube to clot at room temperature for 30 minutes. SERUM SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM CELLS WITHIN ONE HOUR OF VENIPUNCTURE. Certain determinations may be invalidated by prolonged contact with cells, particularly glucose, enzymes and electrolytes.

EDTA whole blood or EDTA plasma. Gentle mix blood by immediately inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send EDTA whole blood in filled evacuated tube (for CBC) or send plasma in trasfer tube labeled PLASMA.

Sodium fluoride whole blood or plasma. Gentle mix blood by immediately inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send whole blood in filled evacuated tube or send plasma in trasfer tube labeled PLASMA.

Sodium citrate whole blood or plasma for coagulation studies. Gentle mix blood by immediately inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send whole blood in filled evacuated tube or send plasma in trasfer tube labeled PLASMA FOR COAGULATION STUDIES.

Heparinized whole blood or plasma for trace metals. Gentle mix blood by immediately inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send whole blood in filled evacuated tube or send plasma in trasfer tube labeled PLASMA FOR TRACE METALS.

Heparinized whole blood or plasma. Gentle mix blood by immediately inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send whole blood in filled evacuated tube or send plasma in trasfer tube labeled PLASMA.

Yellow Top Sterile tube containing acid citrate dextrose as an anti-coagulant. Send(Contains 1.0 ml ACD Solution) whole blood in filled evacuated tube. Check with lab for availability.

Serotonin Blood Collection tube. Gentle mix blood by immediately Yellow / Red Speckled Top inverting the tube 10-12 times. Send whole blood in filled evacuated (Contains EDTA and Ascorbic Acid) tube. Check with lab for availability.

Blood, Serum or Plasma

Hemolysis: Hemolysis occurs when the membrane the red blood cell is disrupted, liberating hemoglobin and other intracellular components into the serum or plasma. Hemolysis varies from a faint pink color to gross hemolysis. Moderately to grossly hemolyzed specimens may be rejected. However, even slight hemolysis may affect certain test results. i.e. electrolytes and enzymes.

Turbidity (Lipemia): Turbid. cloudy, or milky serum (lipemic serum) may be produced in the presence of fatty substances in the blood. A cloudy serum may also be caused by bacterial contamination. Moderate to gross lipemia may affect certain test results. A blood sample obtained from a fasting patient (12-16 hours) may he obtained.

Hyperbilirubinemia (Icterus): Icteric serum or plasma varies in color from bright to dark yellow-green. Moderate to marked icterus may affect certain results.


Delay in processing unrefrigerated urines: Ideally, urine collections should be examined within two (2) hours of collection. If a delay in examination is foreseen. the urine sample should be kept refrigerated. Unrefrigerated urines promote the growth of bacteria which may increase the turbidity of the urine, as well as affect certain urine chemistry test results. Urine cultures may also show increase bacteria count in unrefrigerated urine specimens in which there is a delay in processing.

Medications: Certain medications may impact various colors to the urine ( orange, green, etc.) and/or may interfere with certain urine chemistry test results.

Radiosotope Interference:

Diagnostic procedures or therapy involving radioactive compounds may invalidate radioisotope assays. Please obtain specimens for anticipated radioisotope assays before administering isotopes to the patient.

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